War of The Aphid Clones

I woke up late for church this morning and decided to clean up around the house a bit. I got outside to my patio and noticed that my plant has again been covered in tiny orange balls with legs (??) For the past few weeks I’ve noticed these things attacking my plant. After a few minutes on Google I discovered these things are called Oleander Aphids. For a while I tried burning each one with a stick of incense but found that just hosing them off works fine.

These things are pretty weird. They only appear on one of my generic white flower plants(no idea what it’s called). I also have strange little black aphids on my Ficus but have yet to discover exactly what they are. These little orange guys reproduce really fast. Every few days I hose down a few stems on the plant. Peep this though:

Aphids don’t have sex. In fact, in natural colonies there are no male aphids. The females reproduce by cloning themselves (pathenogenesis). They also give birth to live nymphs, rather than lay eggs. When a colony lands on a host their population explodes. When it gets a little crowded, some of they aphids will develop wings so that they can fly to new host plants. If you have an aphid infestation the best way to get rid of them is soapy water or certain kinds of oils. Generally if you give them a good spray down with the soapy water they won’t be back.

Read more: http://www.ayavaya.com/bug-photos/oleander-aphids

I am apparently up against some shit right out of a sci-fi (or syfy) channel original movie. This is the stuff that keeps me happy we have yet to discover other lifeforms or alternate universes because there has to be one out there somewhere where these things are king. Maybe they even walk upright and resemble us in some weird way. Asexual beings that birth live miniature clones of themselves. Not only that but they also secrete some sort of nasty toxin so other bugs that try and eat them are poisoned and those who don’t die from it are condemned to a life of deformed wings and wonky web spinning (according to link above)

Oleander Aphids
Oleander Aphids

Naturally my thoughts drift and I think back on how earlier this week the Vatican Observatory stated it would indeed consider extraterrestrial alien life part of Gods Plan. “If biology is not unique to the Earth, or life elsewhere differs bio-chemically from our version, or we ever make contact with an intelligent species in the vastness of space, the implications for our self-image will be profound… Just as there is a multitude of creatures on Earth, there could be other beings, even intelligent ones, created by God. This does not contradict our faith, because we cannot put limits on God’s creative freedom.” said the Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes. This goes to show that humans are kind of greedy in their quest for knowledge, preparing to understand extraterrestrial life forms while our own is in shambles. There’s oodles on this out there, here is a nice starting point: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=120291244

Which then makes me wonder, would the average Christian welcome an intelligent life form from another dimension before a person with a different lifestyle or ethnicity from his own universe. How pretty would said alien need to be? If it were more like the Predator would we just attack? Would we befriend the aliens if they were more like the ones form Earth Girls Are Easy?

Welcome at my place... anytime!
Ya'll is welcome at my place anytime!

I mean who knows? I know most folks probably aren’t ready for that sort of thing. I like to think of myself as slightly ahead of the herd and I know I aint ready for aliens. I can barely figure out how to wrangle the remainder of my small family. Just the thought of aphids cloning live nymphs in my side yard is enough to urk me.


Oh me oh my, this flannel is ugly! Must have…


Stripping the Frame Set

I totally dropped the ball this year on Halloween, I don’t really know why I just did not give a sh*t this year. I realized I was looking for costumes 2 days before it and just said fuuuuggit. What I did manage to do though was to take apart my bicycle and chemically remove the 6 layers of alternating orange and yellow as well as 2 layers of primer and burgundy spray paint from the frame and fork. It took a few coats of paint remover but I got all the paint off and was disappointed to see the crappy welds that hold my frame together, it’s all kind of crude. Paint remover is pretty radical though.

Paint Removal

After a while it started feeling like a tank and the anxiety I had about going in and tinkering with the bike was replaced with a zen like comfort that it is just a bike. I mean you can see it all right there in front of you. No matter how bad I screw up there’s always the local bike shops.

Paint Removal

I did all with an allen wrench set, a long flat head screw driver, a small hammer, two large phone books, one small phone book and two trips to the bike shop for a lock ring and bottom bracket remover ($30). I also had to snatch a bag of bike tools from my moms house (priceless).

Paint Removal

It was really cool to be able to get it all back together again too. Banging on steel with a phone book and a hammer was ghetto but it worked out nicely. It’s all coming along, need to get a wheel set and a new headset and then I will paint the frame flat black and probably change my handlebars. For now I just have raw steel and I’m hoping it doesn’t begin to rust.

Bike are for tweekers. The tools are all tweeked out too. Grease smells like grease. I smell like grease.

I LOVE LA – Halloween 2009 – STILL SOME LEFT!!!

Speaking of Conor he recently made these nice Halloween prints. I believe he has a few left so grab them up! Nice thick prints, good price!!

I Love LA print

18″ x 24″ One color  (Black heavyweight semi gloss) printed on 100% Archival/Acid free, French Heavyweight edition paper. This is a limited edition (50) serigraph art print by Conor Hunter AKA ‘Aero’. Contact him if you would like a print. Signed & numbered.

$15.00 + shipping

More photos after jump. Continue reading “I LOVE LA – Halloween 2009 – STILL SOME LEFT!!!”

Last Week & Stuff

Last week was pretty stellar. A little of everything really and my good friend Conor was here all week  so you know we went deep water fishing and scuba diving. The highlight by far was Conor and I being rear ended by a hot Russian (?) chick with a tremendous booty and a shady friend with an unidentifiable accent. They were rollin’ in a nice Mercedes and they totally rear ended us while sitting at a red light on El Cajon Blvd. Conor’s mini van incurred some damage as well but I did not take any pics since he owns the damaged van (I dunno, it made sense at the time).

Rear Ender

The girls were headed to a club or something. They insisted on driving the car even though it was pretty smashed up. I couldn’t get my hand between the wheel well and the tire but the drove off anyways. If you look in the picture above you can see the shady passenger laying low. The driver was nice and very apologetic.

Rear Ender

It was a nice car… Thankfully Conor and I were fine. The whole experience was odd. It was kind of like woah did we just get rear ended?

To continue with the crashing theme I wiped out and ate it on my bike this morning. My pedal hit the floor while I pedaling over a speed bump and it sent me flying through the air. I landed face down on the street with my bike under the right side of my body and limbs. Luckily my forearm caught the full impact. I had minor scratches on palms and a small cherry by my arm pit. This guy how ever is quite nasty looking. It looks extra gnar gnar in the photo below because I had driven on the freeway with window down and it sort of dried up and was wrinkling when I flexed my arm. It looks a lot less like a strawberry after washing it off.

Road Rash

The Great Alley Fire Scare!

So early Thursday morning around 1:45 am Xty and I were awoken by frantic banging on our front door gate. We finally heard enough banging to get up to the window and yell out there to see what the deal was and then as I awoke more you could hear walkie talkies and people saying fire, evacuate the building. Naturally we shit, and scrambled around and hid some stuff and then we were out of the house hoping our shit would still be there when we returned.

Alley Fire 2009

Once outside with all our neighbors it became clear that another neighbors car had caught fire in the alley and she had parked like 9 inches away from the garage door. Me and her down stairs neighbor have garage on either side of her and we were both lucky enough to have had our cars in the garage that night!

Alley Fire 2009

The firefighters were on top of it and the fire was out within 10 minutes and everyone had a smelly house and garage. It was kind of crazy to just be stuck outside of your house with no idea how bad the fire is or anything. After a few minutes they all just started leaving so we sort of assumed it was cool to go back in.

Alley Fire 2009

The alley was a mess and the smoldering remains of the car smelled like ass, mainly the rubber tire smell refuses to fade. My garage also smells terrible. Her garage door and frame is completely toasted.

Alley Fire 2009

Alley Fire 2009

Alley Fire 2009

Alley Fire 2009

View flickr set for more photos

Flannel Grub Strikes Again!

So really it came between Kaws and Mishka this time around and I am happy to say that Mishka won. The Loveless Flannel in Magenta* from Mishka’s Fall 1 installment has a nice tight fit and the colors pop like a muhfug. It is very well put together and all the stitches on it are perfect (I looked at every single one!). Thanks to the kind folks at un|steady for the nice price.

Mishka Loveless Flannel Magenta
Mishka Loveless Flannel Magenta
*Note AMFM has been hard at work trying to figure out what exactly is magenta, why it’s different for everybody and why it is called magenta

Mo Brixton

Got me a Delta hat and a Bowery flannel a few weeks ago (should of got a small!) The Delta is pretty bad ass. It is shorter and wider and I assume it is why the top of the hat is pushed out unlike the Stroll. The Delta sort of rests on your head. It’s made of really soft paper straw and has a nice burgundy silk lining. Me like.


The Bowery Flannel is also pretty awesome, it is super soft and was very comforting while I was sick a few weeks back. I kept getting cold and hot and the flannel was very okay with being put on and off multiple times through out the day. It also kind of reminds me of this blue flannel my dad rock around the house. He would always be cold so rather than bump the heater he wore a thick ass flannel. Warm, thin, soft and fits really nicely. Like I said I should of got a small for the ultimate awesome but the medium is just baggy enough to be a bummy day flanny or an evening walk along the beach flanny. Get some.

Bowery Flannel
Bowery Flannel

Undercover Bear Kaws Companion

Ohhh the agony! The working class stiff really can’t be buying this shtuff. But it is a Kaws collaboration that is fooking ill. Like a dope addict I am considering using the old master card.

So yeah… tomorrow… smoke em’ if you got em’ – www.kawsone.com

under cover bear kaws accomplice

A way to import old Outlook emails into gmail

Finally! For me at least. I remember searching a few months back it seemed damn near impossible to get your outlook emails into Gmail. Turns out now it is not so hard.

Read more here: http://www.zoliblog.com/2007/10/24/simplified-guide-to-importing-all-your-archive-email-into-gmail/

This is great for many reasons. Outlook is essentially a giant turd and I’m currently phasing it out of my personal and business work flow to be replaced with Gmail and Thunderbird. Just feels better I dunno. As you already know if you’re a Gmail user it has an exceptional user interface. It took me a little while to fully appreciate Gmail’s approach to organizing email but with the addition of a few Google Labs (multiple inbox, custom colored labels, drag and drop sidebars, google docs, etc) and a custom colored theme I began to take it all in and it felt really nice. If you’re feeling stuck with Outlook give it a try I think you will be most pleased.

Fyxation Pink Tires!

I finally found some pink tires I can dig on. It came between these and some Tufo tubular tires. These were cheaper and I figured I’d be better off not worrying about tires with no inner tubes and gluing them down to the rim and all that good stuff. I think both tires were a similar shade of neon pink. They are a little thicker than my current tires but I figured I should get them now and worry about some new rims and hubs in the near future. I hope they fit as there is very little room in the rear inner of the frame. Getting closer.

Fyxation tires