RavX Lighting Co.

Many moons ago when I first got my bike I got some lights on craigslist. I met some guy in a parking lot by state and I got a set of head and tail lights by RavX. They’ve been hanging tough for a while now but my tail light had a bracket and rubber strap mounting combo and my rubber strap broke from the years of wear and tear. Since I am a fuckin cheap ass bastard (they ARE only $10.19 on amazon AND I have glued it together since it broke a while back) I got a wild hair up my ass to look for replacement straps online. To my surprise there was no such thing. Anywhere. Not even on the RavX website. So I decided I would call them and see if they even offered just the straps for replacement. I called and they had me send a pic of my light with my address so they could identify the model and send me back a replacement rubber strap!


This is my second awesome encounter via phone and email with random shit I wanted in regards to bike parts. One time I called Spank to find a stem I really wanted for my bike. Turned out the stem made my knees feel like they were going to explode but it is a solid stem (destroyed my knees. holy fuck.) and they were super helpful. They had someone hit me back and send it to my local bike shop, he even sent stickers and a shop banner but the stickers were nowhere to be found (I would of done the same thing if I worked there) and the old guy who runs the shop figured I didn’t need a shop banner so he kept it haha. He was right but I just wanted the stickers.

BUT … as I was saying. RavX. Solid light. Flash Tube. $10.19. Amazon. Get one. Get two. Send me one. Hit up RavX. Ask for FREE shit. It might work.

Wait, wait. I recall at one point in time I wrote flying coffin about how their new shirts were not so great fitting. The smalls that used to fit great were now something similar to an amercian apparel shirt. The guy who runs it wrote back that everyone else thought they were great but he offered to send me mediums in place of my smalls and then never got back to me haha.

But yeah get at them lights.

Free to be Tracked

Long ass article but well worth the read:

How Your Movements Are Being Tracked, Probably Without Your Knowledge

While slightly tangential, shit like this makes me realize it don’t matter who you vote for, both parties will quietly set up a massive surveillance grid and not bother to mention it EVER! the only difference is who gets paid to make surveillance hardware/software. If either of those shit fucks really gave a fuck about freedom, they’d be fighting this type of shit instead of talking about fictitious economies and how america used to be when their grandparents moved here from who gives a shit while everything I do is logged and added to some massive database for future cross referencing.

I am but a small dollar sign to these people, fuck them and fuck what they stand for. call it apathy if it makes you feel better but I take no part in any of this. Bullshit is bullshit and it matters not if spoken from the mouth of a slack jawed yocal or a fast talkin city slicker.

Seriously, go fuck yourself. I got nothing to hide but our govt. sure does and you better believe the second we are more valuable dead than alive, there will be a lot of dead folks.


We are experiencing a reflection of ourselves being projected in an endless feedback loop with the aperture set at a particular size looking at one particular part of the endless loop. We are all an aperture looking at our own endless loop with our own size and position taking part in an even greater collective feedback loop. I once a heard some tripper say it takes either 3 or 4 days to occur before what we know as a single day occurs. Humans cannot live in the time space of a single *universal* day, we can only occupy that time space that exists within the echoes of three (or four) *universal* days. The *universal* days must overlap each other and once the vibrations have tuned to the proper frequencies we have a single earth day … or some shit like that ๐Ÿ˜€

How to disable the native element inspector in Firefox 13

Fairly recently I stumbled upon this article on how to disable firefox’s native element inspector:

It gave a quick solution to disable the native element inspector but recently I noticed the native element inspector was back, even after I made the change from the above article. I am on ubuntu and haven’t noticed if this problem exists for mac/ms as well.

After a lil snooping around it looks like they changed it up a bit back there since the last firefox update. Here are the steps I took to get it disabled again. Obviously if you bork something back there it is your problem.

1. launch firefox
2. type ‘about:config’ into url bar and press enter (then, go ahead and click the button once you’ve read the warning)
3. in the search bar type ‘inspector’
4. find ‘extensions.firebug.hideDefaultInspector’ and click on the value ‘false’ to make it be ‘true’

Since I had done as suggested in the link I posted above I also made a point to change ‘devtools.inspector.enabled’ back to ‘true’ since it was no longer disabling the native element inspector.


Tor Project!

doooooood use Tor for safe anonymous browsing, holy fuck… mind blown (poooooosh)


take some time educate yourself read about what it is. It works on linux, mac, pc. You can run it on a portable usb drive for when your on a public network like airport or cafe or anywhere where you don’t want what your browsing to be known. They even have an android app ๐Ÿ˜€

shit like this gives me hope, it’s weird… open source rules. every day we get closer to terminator akira mess that will eventually be and every day i strive to ready myself for this great unknown when i should just worry about the present moment

today i learned how to use IRC and i learned about Tor, i got to chat with my best friend for a while and had pretty productive day at work. this world is pretty fuckin nuts and all in all it was a good day

think i am goin to clem’s i hope i dont get hit by a car or something fucked up like that

Inspirational Antlers

I found these awesome painted antler to be pretty inspirational. Something about them is really awesome. I really dig the tribal, new mexico, native amercan-ish feel to them as well as the tiny patterns and shape detailing. Simple, sweet and reusing a retired antler. Makes em want to paint stuff gold.

See more antler hereย orย buy some of your own.

Cassandra Smith Antler

Cassandra Smith Antler

Oh My Not Responsible Credit Card Purchase: KAWS SNOOPY


I already know how it will unfold. I will be at the office I will be stoked and I will forget about it and remember two minutes after they go up and they will be sold out. Then I feel bad then good but then bad again. I have missed like the last few Kaws realeses this same way but I have landed a few that same way so I guess you win some, you lose some. There’s enough Kaws to go around I guess.

Slow Moving Paint

I have slowly been working on some new paintings. I have been somewhat inspired by a slew of new clients that have all been illustrators. So much great use of shape and color with simple line work. It relieves the pressure.

shape things

Phone food

I’ve had this phone for a while so here it goes.


Samsung Vibrant x Team Whiskey Bionix NextGen V1

Team Whiskey

Well when I went to write this I realized I had an old draft of a post I meant to post after first flashing Bionix 1.2. Just a general bragging and celebrating of the goodness that was that is the Bionix. If you find yourself wondering “What the F is a ROM?” this post might not be for you but it’s nothing a little google wont fix. Anyways…

So after being on Bionix 1.2 (and loving it) for a while. I started noticing my media app kept dying so I decided since it had been a while and Team Whiskey had released a few ROMs that I would look into what these new ROMs had to offer. Out of the three current ROMs I chose NextGen V1 (there is now a NextGen V2)

Functional Stuffs

Well for starters I learned a lot with this ROM. This is the first time I ever replaced the phone.apk to get rid of the three second fade in “feature,” I added a fix to get rid of all the text messages in the call log and applied a framework fix by OldeCrow from XDA to fix a misalignment in the search button.

It is also quite snappy and has nice animations like my ubuntu netbook does. Screen transitions and all that good stuff. I thought this would cause more drain in the battery department but once I re-conditioned it I am averaging 24+ hours per charge with average use!! I have never had such good battery life. I still experience the occasional dying of the media.app but it rarely occurs so I don’t mind having to reboot the phone every now and then. With Bionix 1.2 I had to reboot daily to get any audio or video to work. I’ve also read that flashing certain kernels fixes the media.app force close problem but have yet to venture into kernel flashing.

On a not so great note my GPS is pretty shitty. Sometimes is just loses the signal and never comes back, other times it just re-routes me onto roads that are beside the road I am supposed to be on. It has overall just been pretty crappy.

Base Theme

Well it’s pretty blue. I don’t really mind and feel it’s a nice change. There are also some cool themes out there if you just can’t stand it. It comes with a themed market too which is also very blue. The only thing I don’t like is the actual launcher. It is black with a blue outline and the web icon has a lil pixel chew going on around it. I would’ve preferred it be slightly transparent like on Bionix 1.2 but beggars can’t be choosers. It also has a nice battery notification icon.

General Feelings

It is pretty friggin hot. I was skeptical because so many people post with bizarre horror stories but all in all I am much happier with Next Gen V1 than I was with Bionix 1.2. I find it is faster and gives me much better battery life. I wish the GPS worked a little better but I rarely use it so I think it’s a fair trade. I really have only tried Team Whiskey ROMs and both have been much better than the stock phone.


Bionix NextGen V1 (gotta join the forums to view posts)
no fade ringer phone.apk

call log fix
framework fix for search

Alley Gold

The local alley rats strike again Friday morning. Pulled in after work like “ACK!” This time a majestic work spanning across three garage doors. Asswhole, <————– <————- Dick, Bitch. HaHaHa!


Ubuntu 11.04 – the Natty Narwhal

ubuntu 11.04 - natty narwhal

So I finally grew a pair and did the upgrade to Ubuntu 11.04. All went smoothly but it took like damn near four hours for everything to be done. The new unity interface is still kinda lame (I used netbook edition of 10.10 and hated the sidebar launcher) and I still don’t dig the sidebar launcher thing even though it doesn’t take up the screen space like it used to since the windows now cover it. I immediately went right back to the desktop edition which they now call “classic.” My boot time is now more like 30+ seconds, which isn’t too bad since my first install of 10.10 had some missing file error that caused it to be around 20 seconds instead of the famous 10 second boot so I never had a chance to be spoiled by a quick boot. I also had to re-configure a few things to get everything back to how it was.

First thing I had to do was install CompizConfig Settings Manager (ccsm) from the Ubuntu Software Center. I believe they got rid of whatever handled the effects in 10.10 and this is what you use now to manage all the effects. Although it doesn’t seem to apply the settings in some instances (?) The drop shadows on the windows look like crap and have a massive x-offset.

Second thing I had to do was the re-install the NotifyOSD Configuration since the previous version was just for 10.10. Simple instructions to do that are here. They also added the ability to turn the fade off on hover and to be able to click on the notification to close it. However it might be worth mentioning that “once you run NotifyOSD Config tool, these two last options (to prevent fading and to close the notification bubbles on click) will be removed from the ~/.nofiy-osd file so use NotifyOSD Config firstly and then tweak this or remember to add these options back to the file if you use the config tool later on.” In other words it might be easier to just edit the settings via the command line w/ gedit. If not you will find that every time you edit the file, kill the process and open the Notify config you will have the settings replaced by some odd default settings. I am not sure why this doesn’t come packaged with ubuntu in the first place but all in all it was a quick fix. Link: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/05/configurable-notifyosd-bubbles-for.html

I sort of wish I hadn’t upgraded as everything seemed a bit snappier and was less buggy in 10.10 but I’ll give natty a little time to grow on me.

once you run NotifyOSD Config tool, these two last options (to prevent fading and to close the notification bubbles on click) will be removed from the ~/.nofiy-osd file so use NotifyOSD Config firstly and then tweak this or remember to add these options back to the file if you use the config tool later on.