This figure is pretty awesome. It’s a really bulky figure and he’s flippin’ the bird. Under his top hat he has exposed brains. He is some sort of blend between The Penguin, Montgomery Burns and someone who leaves the date and time settings on their camera.
The rain is in the heezy, you beezy!
Seriously it’s like raining here in Dago. I am happy as a clam. It’s real rain too…not some weak little drizzle tease for a few minutes. To top it off I’m manning the office at work today and my bosses will be in LA for the day. That just leaves me, the Coolzone duo, some awesome monster jams, and a fish burrito to tackle the day.
On a side note, everyone loves my new shirt I got from Mutant Massacre. Mutant Massacre is the shit, so show support and help the man make more cool shirts.
So life…it’s a’ changin’
Today, November 26th 2007 I experienced something that I can only describe as magical. Now I’m not into jocking what’s hot at the moment (it still is a cool phone right?) Occasionally something will actually be cool and I will partake but I digress. Now back to magical… Today, I viewed my website on a friends iphone. I must say I was rather impressed. My site looked exactly as it does on regular old Safari, only it was minature. When my friend explained to me how I zoom into the mini version of my site I damn near shit myself. I know I’m a total doushe, but zooming into an image with my finger motions is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a while. The fact that you turn it and it adjusts itself makes it seem even more like something out of a sci-fi movie.
So all in all I am not an iphone guy. I don’t even own a mac and prolly never will (I am a broke ass and really just not cool enough). In reality I own a first generation 1GB ipod shuffle and I love it. But if at some point in time I can own one and be on T-mobile I will totally buy one. Or not… who knows but I really just want to be able to view the web at any time in the palm of my hand! I mean really it’s about time the 2000’s started looking like what everyone envisioned. I am all for it.
Happy Turkey Day!
New Vinyl
PaulKaiju x ExoHead… I am pretty much speechless. These are way perverted! This set is my second PK piece. The color is way nice on both figures. Kurt’s (left) booty helmet monster thing glows in the dark, and his color is bright like he’s molten lava. He came with a wang glove too! Sven (right) has glitter on his booty helmet and came with a vagi-hand. Sven also has an additional wang glove. My photo skills (or lack of…) don’t do these guys justice.
My Workstation
Kitchen paint station. I miss my mom’s big side yard.
That time of the month again
Today I acknowledge five months since my fathers passing. Gonna try and enjoy the day. I miss you like crazy old man!
Today’s song playing in a never ending loop is Ryan Adams – Strawberry Wine. Sad but tough, it’s an awesome song.
What on Earth is this?
I saw this at work floating in the pool. It had a regular bee tangled in its arms. It’s head looked like a grasshopper, but it had a translucent black and yellow striped ass piece. It was huge and bulky. My brother tried telling me it’s some type of gofer grasshopper or something weird like that ha ha. Either way it’s terrifying, even floating face down in a pool. I snapped the photo with my phone and it was really bright out.
New Art!
Well not really, but it’s newly finished art. I must say I cannot for the life of me figure out how to snap a decent photo of my stuff because it’s all super shiny (clear coated).
Anyways, check out the new cardboard and frames.
San Diego Fire Maps & Info
I’ve been using almost every link on this page, they came from here:
KPBS and two other talented individuals have created two very good maps of areas effected by the fire. They are currently up to date, but use them with a grain of salt as to accuracy.
Live Fire Info Radio:
Sign on Radio
KPBS Fire updates (if the above link goes down again)
San Diego Union Tribune Fire Blog
Still Blazin’
So Southern Cal is really on fire. I have been stalking the info on the web, which is par to that on the news without the repetitive people talking. I have a few pictures of Christy’s cousin’s house she sent us, they are still up there holding it down (safety first!). My mom’s house is in Chula Vista and is pretty close to the Harris Fire. So I’m also sketching out on that. Loved ones in the North, loved ones in the South…what can you do?
Tiff’s house is the one on the left side close to the flames.
I really have no idea what this but it looks scary as all hell.
This weekend
yeilded no rain, but I managed to leave the house twice the entire weekend. I painted a bit, finished off a few pieces and some frames. I even broke out the easel, which I NEVER use.
If you have not heard California is on fire. Christy’s cousin Tiff lives out there and I’m super haired looking at the Google map. It is moving at an alarming rate.