Adventures in whiskey

Recently after paying thirty two bucks for a bottle of Single Barrel I just could not get myself to cough up fifty for a bottle that will more than likely be gone in two or three days. A good friend also recommended I try Woodford bourbon whiskey (now that I drink everybody has a recommendation ha ha) so when my last bottle of single barrel was empty on Saturday I figured it was a good time to try out that Woodford. So I went to a nearby liquor store and tried to pick it up, unfortunately it was seventy five dollars for a 750 ml bottle. At that point I shit and walked out of the store… empty handed.

I decided I would try Vons for some Single Barrel since I did not want to go home empty handed. Vons had none, but they did however have Gentleman’s Jack which is like regular jack just filtered through the charcoal twice. It was yellow like pee and was only 80 proof, which after drinking five bottles of the Single Barrel was noticeably less “potent” and much less flavorful. I had to drink twice as much to feel good and ran out in a hurry.

woodford juice

Today I stopped by mom’s house to pick up a package and mow the lawn (which to my surprise was already mowed?.. and me package wasn’t there) The package did not arrive so I decided I would stop by the liquor store by my mom’s house. I walked in and looked for the Woodford which was for sale at the amazing price of $25.99!!! I damn near shit again, and bought a bottle as I was unsure as to why it was sooooo cheap. I came home started sippin’ and it’s damn good. Better than the Single Barrel? I don’t know… I really grew to love the flavor of the Single Barrel. This Woodford is also 94 proof and does have my head spinning so I guess it’s all good. Odds are I will buy more as it’s way too cheap to pass up. My mission: to buy every bottle at the liquor store by my mom’s house.

So Woodford gets a twisted two thumbs up. Will write a more in depth review of it when I’m a little less sauced. Drink responsibly folks.

Riddle me this

So I have begun drinking the second bottle my mom bought me and it taste different from the first bottle BUT… they’re both from the same barrel. Barrel # 7-2472 you are harsh like gasoline chased with razor blades. I took a shot today and it left me unable to inhale for like two seconds once I gained the ability to breathe in and swallow I realized my eyes were watering. This bottle makes me howl very loud before I sip it and even louder after I sip it. I don’t know… the shit is like liquid sandpaper. Does it make my face numb after two shots? Yes Indeedy!

Today I made beef stew and I’m getting quite good at it. I don’t mean to toot my own horn but TOOOOOOOOT!!!! It is tasty and goes great with a lil’ Hank and single barrel Tennessee whiskey (even if it’s a rugged barrel).

Charactics WF 2008, Status= Going Off

I just placed an order for these from Kaiju Taro. These are off the hook on some of that old Cyborg/Walder shizz. I have never really been a 12″ suit guy but I am a sucker for anything clear with guts. Charactics has plenty of goods in store for wonderfest so don’t sleep.

Charactics Madness

Charactics Madness

Charactics Madness

Meat Mania

This Valentine’s Day my old lady attempted to murder me via massive meat consumption. We went to this Brazilian steak house called Rei do Gado. While there I ate eleven types of meat. I also had some white rice with black beans and a gang of super sweet mango. A list of the meats ingested include:

-Beef Rib
-Turkey wrapped in bacon
-Pork Sausage
-Skirt Steak
-Tri-tip Steak
-Top Sirloin Steak
-Top Sirloin w/ Garlic
-Fillet Mignon wrapped in bacon
-Pork Loin (BOMB!)
-Skirt Steak w/ Garlic
-Chicken w/ Cheese (???)
-Lamb Sirloin

So much meat it gave me bad dreams. It is incredibly pricey but well worth it. They will bring meat till you say stop… no… more… meat. I give this place two thumbs up and recommend it once every six months maximum, as if you ate there more you would probably shorten your life span by about two years per visit.

Two reasons my mom’s cooler than yours

Tennessee whiskey from the navy exchange at retarded discounted prices! A semi fresh batch from July 2007. I am really looking forward to giving it the taste test.
Sweet, sweet single barrel

Things are looking better

My cousin is back home, she is still recuperating but is reported to be happy to be home 🙂

My adventures in whiskey drinking are becoming even more fun. As of recently I’ve been drinking Single Barrel Tennessee whiskey. My first two bottles were from Barrel #7-1038, which was a smooth, super sweet tasting batch. Last night I got a bottle from Barrel #7-0574, and found it to be a little more abrasive. It was still very smooth and tasty to the sip, I added water to it and it was perfect. What I did notice was it was not nearly as sweet as the previous barrel. Also the previous barrel did not really need water in my opinion, the bottle I got last night made my whole body cringe as I’m still a newbie. Either way I was really happy to see that the old boys at the distillery aren’t full of it, and that every barrel does indeed offer a distinctive taste from the next. I look forward to tasting many a new barrel in the future.

Sadly I think the taste of my whiskey is the only interesting thing going on in my life. Oh I know… a new toy store opened up in AZ, check it out. This is good news because I am a cheap bastard and hate to pay tax on expensive toys and they are not on the other coast so it will still be like ordering from somewhere in CA.

Your thoughts/prayers please…

My cousin Samantha has Retts Syndrome. She was admitted to Children’s Hospital Wednesday night and has been diagnosed with influenza A and RSV. She was intubated and is on assisted breathing. My heart is heavy and I am incredibly sad. So please keep my aunt and her family in your thoughts and prayers.


It’s safe to say I do not have a walking pneumonia! YAY!!!! All I needed was a little benedryl and a few days of rest and I’m ready to wreak havoc on the world. I guess I had some nasty bug going around because half of the country is sick as a dog. May everyone get better sooner than later and be sure to harvest them nose berries.

Nose Berry

Ionz149 – Pandora

Honky Tonk Ionz149

I started a Pandora station to help get me through the grueling work day. It’s basically a bunch of hill billy music. I’ve never been a country music guy but the reality is I’d be plain silly if I didn’t give ol’ Willy and Merle a chance. There’s a lot of cool old bluegrass too. I can’t promise you will like it but I guarantee it will make you wanna drink some liquor. Listen now!

I’m doomed… dooooooooomed!!!

Well I think I got the ol’ lung fungus growing. This would be the second time I get demolished by a convention. If you have a walking pneumonia, why on Earth are you at MacWorld???

I cannot sleep and it is now 1:07 am. I have been lucky enough to find Planet of the Apes on AMC. Which of course would not be complete without this. Them monkeys are pretty mean and like a million times cooler than the apes in the newer Planet of the Apes (2001)… and that cave girl is a hottie.

I am incredibly pissed that I cannot sleep, and I’m starting to think it may be all tea I’m drinking.(1:21 am)

(1:28) Alright so I’m totally hopped up on tea. I am looking at my tea and nowhere on the box does it say it is caffeine free. Dr. Google has also confirmed that Tea is not a good drink before bed. I feel pretty stupid. I’m usually in bed by 11:00 so I started to get concerned when my girlfriend was going to bed and I was wide awake.

My throat is so sore I cannot smoke which usually plays a big role in my early going to bed habits… so lame. I guess I will open and close my eyes rapidly until they become tired. I hope Heston makes a bit sleepy as well.(1:42 am)

EDIT: omfg I just saw a commercial that sang Viva Viagra to the tune of Viva Las Vegas this night is not going to be nice to me. (1:45 am)

EDIT: sheesh I am finally getting sleepy and I may have P.A.D. Wish me luck ya’ll I need some z’s (2:43 am)

Hot Toddy Time!

I’m sick as a dog and you know there’s only one cure all for these type a’ things. I am crossing my fingers and doing strange dances in hopes that it is NOT another walking pneumonia. That was the worst shit EVER! I wouldn’t wish upon the worst, nobody really deserves a lung infection.

Single Barrel Pimpin’

Secret Base doing things right in the 08

So far this year all toys I’ve purchased have been Secret Base. The Usugrow full color was ill, and these two are also. The Skull Captain has really rad colors and looks really good next to my It Came From The Sea and Anniversary Skull Pirates.

Skull Captain
Le Skull Captain is gangsterific with his hat, nub arm and rum bottle.

Space Patrol Space Barbarian
Space Patrol Barbarian is not so gangsta but I’m a sucker for the Space Barbarian (my favorite Secret Base platform, he looks like the creature with his helmet off).