Mah Nintendo!

So this weekend at my mom’s house I cleaned out my brother’s old room (since he’s too lazy a jerk face to do ANYTHING!) He recently switched rooms in the house and I found all types of artifacts including my Nintendo… sans zapper, Sega Genesis, a few Super Nintendo cartridges (Super Nintendo is MIA because my bro is also a seller of things that are not his), along with those games were a few Nintendo 64’s… although only the only games were 007 and Zelda.

So upon tossing most of it away to the trash I kept my Nintendo and all the games for good old fashioned 8-bit fun.

Today I plugged it all in and the shit worked! My controllers are a little busted but the do work with the occasional stabbing of the start button with a hair pin. The game selection is not what it used to be (I did mention my brother has issues respecting other people’s property). I am missing all the goods ie: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Mario/Duck Hunt, Cobra Triangle, Contra, Double Dragon, Battle Toads… it’s all missing.

Once it was all connected to the flat screen I was completely stoked to see that I started my Nintendo by holding the Power and Reset button at the same time! I had not done that in years, I even blew into the cartridge as a precautionary measure.  I started off with Dr. Mario and got pretty far before my ass was handed to me.

Overall I can safely say that the original Nintendo is the bomb. I have a bunch of crappy games and I love them, every single one of those 8 bits and that awesome sound. The soundtracks to these games are awesome I find myself now typing to the tune of Sky Shark.

Either way I don’t need a $500 gaming system to be content. I was told Game Stop’s carry all types of games and accessories for the Nintendo system. I may go see if they have any of the classics that are missing due to my brother being a total jerk with stuff that is ans was never his.

Oh yeah also it’s been hot as balls down here these past days. We are all dying very slowly so let’s all love one another 🙂

Buffalo Trace

My lord is it tasty. I <3 BevMo!! I also picked up a bottle of some Ron del Barrilito, it is a Puerto Rican rum my pops used to be all ape shit about. He had nothing but good things to say about it so I figured I would give it a go… worst case scenario I give it to Gas if I don’t like it.

Upon digging a bit into the Buffalo Trace website I realized that all the tasty whiskeys I’ve had as of late are somehow related to the Buffalo Trace distillery. So go BT you got my love.

Buffalo Trace

The Barrilito is stellar! Once I popped the bottle I smelled a rich aroma of maple, it was very sweet with a touch of cinnamon (?) the whole thing smelt of french toast and pan cakes to me. Upon pouring a little into my face I realized it is muuuuuch smoother than any bourbon I have had the pleasure of pouring into my face. Barrilito gets two thumbs up with two thumbs on each thumb pointing up. Simply delicious, score 1 Puerto Rico!

Ron del Barrilito

If the river was whiskey

…and I was a duck, I’d dive to the bottom and I’d never come up. What you know about Charlie Poole?

I have been lurking around forums and have been taking names and really they know their stuff. I went to bevmo today and bought a bottle of Elmer T. Lee and Eagle Rare both are single barrel bottles. I prefer the Elmer T. Lee though, it is simply delicious. I have also purchased a 20 year old bottle of Pappy Van Winkle and another bottle of the 12 year old Special Reserve, Lot B. I think Elmer T. Lee and the Special Reserve are tied for my favorite after work sippers.

The 20 year old is awesome but the fact that it’s a $100 a bottle has me rarely drinking it unless it’s a special occasion… like friday or days I mourn the loss of my father (the 12 of every month) or something else (the day I quit my job and go somewhere where they actually pay me at least half of what my time is worth). It’s only been around for a few weeks but every now and then a special day will come up and I will pug a few fingers.

And now for photos from other peoples sites:

Elmer T. Lee

Eagle Rare

12 year old

20 year old label

The pain!

Here’s the featured load of toys for the Thrash Out gallery show. They all look ridiculously awesome but I really want the fancy hair earth restroyer as I would consider my self an earth restroyer completest. I don’t collect a lot Bwana’s figures but I can’t say no to my favorite Hedorah sculpts. My insides weep. The other figures are also cool.

assed out!

From my cold, dead hands

With the death of Frosty Freeze and now Charlton Heston it’s safe to say Death has had a busy week. Heston was a nut and I feel for his folks, Alzheimer’s is not the way to go. I remember my Grandma having moments where she didn’t know who I was, then she’d remember and then forget hours later. It was really scary as a child. I just remember thinking ‘Grandma it’s me, Chris” and not really understanding she was sick.

I will spend the day today watching the classics and having a drink for old Heston. His movies were great and he lived great life. So I will celebrate his life in film and remember him doing one of the things he did best. These three fingers are for you Charlton.

Charlton Heston

WordPress 2.5

Boy is it cool. I am a bit bummed the flickr plugin is being troublesome with it though. Till it is fixed I have held back updating my site. I really like the flickr plugin and it would suck to not have it. Also on a side note the store will no longer be a part of my site as I really never add anything to it, I originally intended to sell paintings and random hand made plush but I really don’t have time to make cool stuff ever. The small bits of stuff I make are always gifts to make up for the fact I’m a cheap bastard and never want to spend money unless it’s on myself (toys, bourbon, fiji… the important things).

Here is one of the funniest things I seen all week.


Mo Garga

As I figured a picture of the awesome full size Globby has surfaced! This guy will be available at Tentacles, Horns, and Scales at Apr. 19th Thrash Out in Tokyo. Yet another cool ass figure I will not be getting 🙁


I suppose I will have to be happy with my minis.

Now to speak of things I actually can acquire. Today after consulting with a client in Coronado I decided to head to the liquor store a few stores down looking for a bourbon bottle I’ve yet to find here in Dago Town. They indeed had the bottle of Pappy Van Winkles 20 year Bourbon, I was ready to drop $70 on it but it was a cool $99.99, since I’m a cheap bastard I decided I should go with the Van Winkle Special Reserve 12 year old that was only $44.95.

I raced home to have a pour and my lord was it tasty. This the type of whiskey you break out for your grand dad who drinks so he can say “Damn boy that is some good bourbon!” The flavor was subtle but present, not just some warm burning sensation. At first I tasted a somewhat moldy flavor (?) but it soon morphed into a sweet almost fruity taste that was very subtle.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been drinking the poop spectrum of bourbon’s lately or what but it is so good. I swore by the old Woodford but I don’t know anymore. I also bought a bottle of Bulleit Frontier Whiskey upon a recommendation from Dr. Burrito himself and I soon realized why he is Dr.Burrito and not Dr. Bourbon. I can only describe it as the flavor of a liquid penny. It is now the whiskey my old lady can mix with her cola 🙂

This post started sad and ended happily, I will now retire to some foods and more sips of the sauce.

Gargamel, Status = Bananas

Sweet, sweet toys of Garga!!! These guys are looking incredible. These aren’t only a new size but are amazing new characters in their already stellar arsenal of goodness. I love Gargamel especially since they’re one of the only companies out there to not overload buyers with a million played out releases in a short span of time and just burn out their own hype.

The first figure is by Martin Ontiveros, Ojo Rojo. This is the full color version of this figure and it is pretty nuts. The figure is based on one of his paintings. I only own a clear green mini of this figure but hope to score one if they’re available to the general public (pleeeeeeease) the first color way of this figure was an all clear version and it was available at it’s debut in Portland. I didn’t score at all.

Martin - Ojo Rojo

Martin - Ojo Rojo

Next is Koji’s new sculpt, Tokoji Seijin. This guy is a great play on Kapa with an added Gargamel zing. I am also hoping I will be able to grope this sculpt with my drunken mits in the near future. I also cannot wait to see what it looks like in color (or in person).

Tokoji Seijin

Tokoji Seijin

To complete the madness I have been reading around about a full size globby by Bwana Spoon which would be totally awesome to own as the three would look really good on my toy shelf. I only saw a teaser pic of it, but it was enough to spark the desire. No pics to show yet but I’m sure something will surface soon.

I’m off to get drunk and pick up my mom from the airport, maybe even in that order!!! Kidding, drink responsibly folks 🙂

Dentist Visit & Ribs

Today I went to a dentist for the first time in a little over six years and to my great surprise I had not one single cavity! I am blessed with my father’s teeth. My mom was recently complaining that my dad would eat all types of sweets and soda and would never get cavities.

The main reason I went was because my fang teeth are sort of disintegrating at the gum line, I thought it was tooth decay or something and have pretty much not had soda or candy for about a year and half now. Finally I said F it and went to go get a cleaning and an x-ray before it got any worse. Turns out I brush too hard and have worn off my enamel and am now well on my way to brushing to the root!!! I never saw myself as such a barbaric brusher but they said I need to use soft brushes and recommended me some fancy electronic brush (rotadent).

On a not so good note my dentist said my gums seem extremely tender and swollen and thinks I may need a deep cleaning which involves numbing my mouth and scraping nice and hard to kill any potential plaque that may be under the gum line. It does not sound fun at all and is quite expensive ($191.00 per quadrant of my mouth, that includes a discount since I don’t have insurance) but really I was not so upset because the girl who told me had really nice teeth and an awesome rack 😯

Speaking of racks I recently ate at this place called Phil’s BBQ and I swear to you as a prissy bastard who usually refuses to get his hands dirty and has at times been seen eating ribs with a knife and fork… these were the best damn ribs I have ever eaten. I dug in with hands and face. They were so good I have spent the last two days yelling the word “RIBS!!!” every five hours or so. I can still smell them at random times throughout the day. Their boneless chicken wasn’t all that though, it totally tasted like lighter fluid. Oddly enough I liked the flavor as much as I disliked it. It was confusing so I figure the ribs were better because there was no doubt in my mind, once I bit into the first rib and all the meat slid off I was sold.

Read it and wonder for how long now…

This is an article my old lady brought to my attention earlier this morning. Awful news that for some reason didn’t surprise me one bit. I took a little passage out that included my favorite line in the whole article.

“Water providers rarely disclose results of pharmaceutical screenings, unless pressed, the AP found. For example, the head of a group representing major California suppliers said the public “doesn’t know how to interpret the information” and might be unduly alarmed.”

Read more here

SNL and Hateraide

If I see Amy Poehler do another Hillary Clinton next week I will begin writing hate mail.

That is all.

Recent Aquisitions

With all this talk of whiskey one would think the toy collecting came to a halt. Well I have been on the prowl, lurking on the skullbrain BST section till something is as cheap as it will ever be and then strike like a praying mantis. This has been happening a lot lately. So it has been slow but well worth the wait.