So this weekend at my mom’s house I cleaned out my brother’s old room (since he’s too lazy a jerk face to do ANYTHING!) He recently switched rooms in the house and I found all types of artifacts including my Nintendo… sans zapper, Sega Genesis, a few Super Nintendo cartridges (Super Nintendo is MIA because my bro is also a seller of things that are not his), along with those games were a few Nintendo 64’s… although only the only games were 007 and Zelda.
So upon tossing most of it away to the trash I kept my Nintendo and all the games for good old fashioned 8-bit fun.
Today I plugged it all in and the shit worked! My controllers are a little busted but the do work with the occasional stabbing of the start button with a hair pin. The game selection is not what it used to be (I did mention my brother has issues respecting other people’s property). I am missing all the goods ie: Mike Tyson’s Punch Out, Mario/Duck Hunt, Cobra Triangle, Contra, Double Dragon, Battle Toads… it’s all missing.
Once it was all connected to the flat screen I was completely stoked to see that I started my Nintendo by holding the Power and Reset button at the same time! I had not done that in years, I even blew into the cartridge as a precautionary measure. I started off with Dr. Mario and got pretty far before my ass was handed to me.
Overall I can safely say that the original Nintendo is the bomb. I have a bunch of crappy games and I love them, every single one of those 8 bits and that awesome sound. The soundtracks to these games are awesome I find myself now typing to the tune of Sky Shark.
Either way I don’t need a $500 gaming system to be content. I was told Game Stop’s carry all types of games and accessories for the Nintendo system. I may go see if they have any of the classics that are missing due to my brother being a total jerk with stuff that is ans was never his.
Oh yeah also it’s been hot as balls down here these past days. We are all dying very slowly so let’s all love one another 🙂