The ol’ 23 Year Old

Here is the elusive 23 year old Van Winkle bottle before it was clobbered in a way containing little to no dignity. Poor thing went out like a regular bottle of piss whiskey. I won’t lie there is still a little nectar left in the bottle, I  dip into it every friday. It is so good it’s just wrong. The strangest of it all being that after having my try at all ages of the Van Winkle bottles I still think the 12 year old is the better of them all. Maybe because it’s easier on my wallet? I don’t know but it brings me just as much joy as any of the other bottles. Obviously the 23 year old is the piff but we can’t always be drinkin out the $250 bottles.

Pappy Van Winkle 23

What a weekend

Aside from the rediculous amount of loafing I have done since Thursday I didn’t accomplish much this three day weekend.

I watched the Nascar race and the UFC fight this Saturday (Boooo) and a played a little wii olympics and guitar hero.

Good Googley Moogley

It appears I have accidentally deleted a few posts while trying to mess around the back end of the site with my mobile phone. It just deletes without confirmation I guess.

Anyways I’m a fat ass and today is Friday to me!

June Gloom

Today I left work early and enjoyed myself a sipper of the 15 year old Pappy Van Winkle with a splash of water. It was a good day considering yesterday was the birthday of my late father. I actually got a hold of some awesome pictures from his childhood. Either way this month really blows. My dad’s birthday is on the 3rd, he died on the 12th and then fathers day is on the 17th… ugh. My family is having a little party to celebrate the year that has past since my father’s departure.

On a more joyful note I finally found me a bottle of the 23 year old Pappy Van Winkle! It took some snooping around and was given a list of stores that provide it by the coolest guy on earth. His name was Jim and even though he will not read this, THANK YOU JIM! You bet I’m going to be sippin on some at my dad’s party.

Anyways it needs to rain hard and then clear up by Saturday.

Latest tastings

I found the Sazerac rye whiskey to be quite tasty. I found a liquor store that has it for pretty cheap. I don’t know what it is but something about this whiskey tastes so like what I imagine a whiskey tasted like in the cowboy days. It is a mid shelf whiskey with a good price and a good sweet flavor.

I also picked up a few other bottles. I got a Pappy Van Winkle 15 year old and a Elijah Craig 12 year old. The Van Winkle is of course a tasty treat and lives up to the high standard it has set in the world of whiskey. Coming in at 107 proof it’s a bit warmer than the 20 year old and packs a similar rich flavor. To me the Van Winkle bottles all taste like wood (in a good way) it’s a really sweet flavor. I usually have a glass after a nice meal, it is complete dessert bourbon. Sometimes I swear I can smell hints of vanilla.

The Elijah Craig is a goodie as well. It is right up there with the Elmer T Lee and the Buffalo Trace. I will always have a bottle of this stuff around as it has a good price and some nice flavor.

Pappy Van Winkle 15 Year Old Bourbon!

Elijah Craig 12 Year Old Bourbon

My next goal is to find a bottle of 23 year old Van Winkle bottle, I can currently only find them online for the ludicrous price of $400.00!! I will get one soon.

It’s official

I’m hunting down a Nintendo Wii. I want Guitar Hero… I want golf, tennis, wii fit and I don’t want to leave my house. So from this day forth I am officially on the hunt. I will not fail.


Cool new shirt

I just got this rad shirt from Mishka NYC. It’s a collaboration thing with Lamour Supreme and Mishka. The results are quite satisfying. Go get one.

My brother also got me a cool Russian military hat. It sort of like the one below, the emblem is a bit different though.


emblem looks like this but on the hat above…


This weekends liver crush

Friday night I went out to Poway to hang out at the cousins pad. We brought a bottle of Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage from 97. It packed a very earthy flavor, almost resembled… leather (?). After devouring the better part of the bottle we unleashed the fury of Guitar Hero, which for me was the first time. All I can say is that it kicked major ass. It was the most fun I’ve had in a while.

Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage + Guitar Hero = Good Times!!

Today I rushed a few liquor spots and picked up a few bottles. I picked up some more of the Elmer T. Lee single barrel mash (a favorite of mine). I had to restock as my bottle was barely there. Usually I’ve been trying new bottles every week to try and get an idea of what flavors I dig on most. This task has been made easier by all the knowledgeable folks at So I picked up a bottle of Sazerac Rye which is pretty stank, it is a very straight forward whiskey and it has helped me identify the rye element I taste in other whiskeys. Overall I wouldn’t call it something I can swig on every night but it may grow on me.

Sazerac Rye

Along with the Sazerac I picked up  some Willett bourbon. I did this pretty much because it came in a bottle shaped like a still. Flavor wise it reminds me Russel’s Reserve. It has an oaky flavor with hints of corn. I’ve been tasting corn often in certain bottles (not so much in all the Buffalo Trace products I like so much)

Willett Single Barrel

Here’s the Evan Williams weekend maker…

Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage

Tonight’s sippie cup…

is full of this corn whiskey called Platte Valley. I mean it’s much, much better than the dreaded Georgia Moon (ack!!). It’s actually sweet enough to enjoy the flavor, sweet corn flavor. Has a nice yellow color to it too. I don’t know what it is about corn whiskey but it usually has be spiny faced in a cup or two, and it’s total fighting liquor (I can’t really vouch for this since I never leave my house as I am a cheap social cripple and I just become even more of an awkward mess with the help of the sauce… but it does have me walking around the house talking up a shit storm to the old lady before I crash on the couch and start snoring) . Overall it’s a nice sipper but it ain’t no Elmer T. Lee.

platte valley

Cool Picture

This is my small kaws collection in it’s glory. It isn’t much but I love it and would cry if any of it were to suddenly go missing.


Watch for falling objects

This place is under construction so please don’t be surprised when you realize that my mega dusty podcast feed has vanished and the store has gone away. My crappy music will still be available for download for the occasional weirdo and fanatical high school acquaintance. If all is good everything should seem exactly the same.

I am well aware that all 43 of my readers will not even notice but I thought I would just sort of tell cyberspace my plans, since my girlfriend does not give a rat’s ass.

Things I look forward to:
Sleek new admin interface
You tube video links not getting eaten when I edit
Inserting all types of media with ease

Things I wont miss:
My lightbox gallery working when it feels like it (damn conflicting scripts)
Having to see that I’ve made $00.00 from my store every time I log in.

Sure there’s more… don’t wanna whine really.

Operation Wolf

God this game is awful, it is so damn hard and nowhere near as cool as the original arcade with the giant uzi. The graphics are dookie and the soundtrack is pretty bad as well but every now and then it shows potential for a sample. Taito also made Sky Shark which i also own but it’s a little more tolerable as far as game play goes.

operation wolf nes