A few changes

I’ve added gravatar support as well as the old share this button at the bottom of every post. I added little icons to the sidebar links and cleaned a ton of poorly written css from the theme, there is still a bunch of bad code tho. Funny how much changes over the course of a year.

Creature Carving

I carved up a Creature pumpkin, it took a few hours to do and I did it with a shitty steak knife. Unfortunately it died a shriveled, moldy death just a few days later. I purchased some proper carving utensils so I’m going to give it another go in a few days. I am also doing a Frankie and Drac so yeah.

Oh yeah and just for you Conor, comments are open.

My pumpkin weighs a ton

McCain aka Morse Code Eyes

Part geriatric, part machine-beast – while Obama speaks McCain communicates to his loyal lizard brethren via morse code eye blinking. I am seriously tempted to count but I got to get to work… BAH!


My favorite new flannel

So I recently purchased a nice flannel from the unsteady shop here in downtown.

It’s been hot as balls but I still wear it in the mornings. I cannot wait for winter.


I <3 whiskey

“It’s so good! Once it hits your lips, it’s so good!” – Frank the Tank

Seriously I always love the first sip of a glass of bourbon. I can feel an instantaneous change, like my body just says “ooooooooh yeeeeeeah.” Then it’s like oh yeah still got a glass to pour down the hatch.

Four Roses Single Barrel made me do it.

So we’re doomed

Seriously this nation is in a sad state of affairs. Palin is pretty much the dumbest person I have ever had to endure for a two hour debate. I honestly don’t even think she’s real.

I mean she approaches circus levels of sillyness and the fact that nobody booed her ass the fuck off that stage only goes to show what docile sheepish creatures the majority of Americans have become. The last eight years have set the bar so low that really… that they would love to believe Sarah Palin don’t look so bad. She does look that bad though.

We as a nation should have learned the lesson that you don’t want the guy who sounds like your perverted uncle to run/represent the usa. Palin gets no love either. How can you take this bitch seriously. I mean what minute part of your brain has removed all logic and allowed to even humor a republican ticket chalk full of such wild jack assery.

Hopefully everybody watched last night and realized it was funnier than the SNL skits because it is sadly TRUE!!!?!

My last point will be that she can’t even answer the questions asked of her. She instead chose to point out facts that in some situations even helped out Biden. Joe is a bad ass and he played very fair… almost too fair.

People are too retarded and will not vote for something because it is right. The boys in blue need to dirty it up a little and go for the throat.

Bounty Hunter Kumaru Kun

This was my first Bounty Hunter piece and I am pretty bummed I didn’t start earlier. It’s very much and old school feel to the toy, it’s matte texture and it came in just a plastic bag with a BxH sticker stapled to it. Which of course means I now also have a BxH sticker Yeeeeeeee! This guy is also quite bulky, but I heard he is bigger than the other figs which sort of bummed me out but it doesn’t really matter because this BxH shit is way over priced and I probably wont be getting any of the ones that I want for quite some time. Alas that is one of the joys of toy collecting: The Hunt. It would not be nearly as satisfying if I got every toy I wanted with great ease.

Bounty Hunter Kumaru-Kun

¡Habla como pirata!

Today be talk like a pirate day… Yipee!! Head over t’ ye local English t’ pirate translator and type some shit!!

Ipod Touch

So I recently used a $200 gift card that was given to me as a bonus at work. At the time the new iPhone was just released but I had just signed another two years with t-mobile. So I waited to see if maybe the iPod touch went down in price. Which of did… and I went out and got one.

Once home I was like a kid with a new toy (which I was), it was all oohs and ahhs. I also made sure to install the wordpress app (thumbs up) as well as a few other apps… yay!!

I even ponied up 10 bucks for a game.

I took it into my car and realized I have to slide to unlock while driving if I want to change the song. I got out of my car and put the iPod into my pocket. I realized then I had too much shit in my pockets. I already own a smart phone so I now have two clunky radioactive operating systems in my pants at most any time of the day. Not only that… the phone is microsoft and the iPod is by apple so they are no doubt zapping high frequency sound waves at each and zapping my bonch in the meantime since I am forced to keep them in their own pockets.

Then it hit me! This iPod touch is fuckin retarded. It really requires slot of attention. And how much better would my life be if I didn’t have to carry around what is essentially “almost” an iPhone. I pretty much look at it like one would a child who had a chance to get a million dollars and then blew it only to get another chance and blow that one too. Shaking my head side to side I think to myself “why can’t you be a phone?”

It isn’t so much that I’m a broke ass as much as I just really don’t want to switch over to AT&T. As much as I hate t-mobile I can’t leave them for worse service. And I am too sketchy to hack into the phone or any of that crazyness.

I could just be bitter, who knows. I won’t lie the iPod touch is pretty cool. I mean I’m writing this from my couch watching how it’s made. I just hate having two bulky phone shaped objects on me at all times knowing that it could be one bulky phone shaped object.

I can’t sleep

I stayed up all night finishing a website and still haven’t gone to sleep. I can only sleep sitting in a chair. I am fairly intoxicated as well. Maybe I just need some food… L&L hawaiian BBQ!

Woot Woot!

Okay so the visual gallery is backup after some sure as shit finagling, what a pain in the ass! I haven’t slept since yesterday so I may crash out before I get back to beating up the podpress plugin. May just scrap it altogether. Who knows, I just had to update so I could use the ipod app ;P