I Miss My Maple

Where in the F did my single flange maple wood plugs go. I stopped wearing them for some odd reason and now I can’t find them. My feeble brain can’t remember if I had them on in LA and left them at ConoLu’s (Find them dammit!) it’s driving me bat shit crazy. I realized they were missing the day we took off to Orlando.

I still have some olive wood double flange plugs but they’re nothing like my maples 🙁 I can’t even find maple plugs anywhere. I found maple wood plugs for barrels? It’s like maple isn’t cool anymore or something. I will find some to replace them but really hope that by the time I get new ones the old ones show up. They don’t even look like maple anymore, they are dark and oily from years of grimey lobe wear.

Please come home, I miss you.

Woody Guthrie

This video I found on youtube is stellar. What I find most amazing about it is A.) It’s Woody Guthrie, B.) it’s video of Woody and C.) they are cutting a record outdoors!!! If you watch there is a vintage dub plate machine being operated by some guy in the left corner and going into it is a microphone sitting on a mic stand in front of the van that Woody is playing out of. The fact is they were doing this in 1945, where as now I could never figure out a way to record a song in the wilderness. Surely they were in some country bumpkins front yard or back yard and the power came from the home. Either way it helps me understand that gritty sound that is Woody Guthrie, everything sounds like it’s covered in a lil’ bit of dirt (in a really good way) and this is prolly why.

Regarding my new hat

I was leaving the Burger King after spending my last two dollars and in the parking lot were two black guys staring me down. I continued to look at them while I drove past and of the guys said “THAT’S THE HAT!” I stopped and said “excuse me?” and he continued “THAT’S THAT HAT MY SAXOPHONE PLAYER USED TO WEAR!! THAT’S THAT HAT!! OH YEAH THAT’S THE HAT!!” I concurred that it was indeed a nice hat, threw him a peace sign (two fingers) and was on my way. Made me smile though, black people rule.

Ghetto Living

I arrived from Orlando with about $480.00 or so in my cheching account. My half of the rent is $525.00. So I borrowed $50.00 from my old lady to be sure I had a little extra once the rent hit. I also had $13.00 in my wallet, of which $10.00 I put into my checking account (KAH-CHING!) Leaving me with $3.00 in cash to my name as well as $3.18 in my checking account. Continue reading “Ghetto Living”

X-mas = Vices

This x-mas was cool. I got a few goodies that really hit the spot. My mother supported my booze hound fashions with a nice fedora hat by kangol (cockfosters trilby) and my old lady and friends supported my booze hound lifestyle with a flask, a sexy rocks glass, cigar cutter, cigar transport tube and even a Montecristo cigar. My grandpa got me a bottle of Cognac, which I have yet to try. I also got a cool pillow for resting my boozy head after a few swigs (it’s for me and Christy, but really…)


Merry X-mas?

I hate x-mas, that is all. May you have a decent one…


2.7 in the Heezy

Since my nerves are getting the best of me before my long flight east I decided to upgrade to WP2.7 aka Coltrane (in this muhfugga) I also upgraded the flickr plugin and everything is working fine! Not that I expected anything less but last time I updated the flickr plugin I hated the plugin for a few hours before it began doing what it is supposed to. So yeah… YAY! 2.7 is pretty bad ass.

Edit: I’ve officially give IE6 the finger forever (F-You IE6!). I am the poor bastard in charge of fixing everything for IE6 at my place of work so I sort of refuse to acknowledge it’s existence in my personal/freelance work. I will charge extra for it in a  attempt to deter clients living in the stone ages. I recently worked with a client who still had dial up and IE6! It was mind boggling once I realized I could not talk to him while he was online (no mobile phone either) It was also fun to see wordpress do it’s thing in an lowest denominator scenario, not fun really though.

New Head Pieces

Brixton makes some pretty rugged hats. I picked up a few at Emerald City in Coronado. I got two of the same hat but they are made of different fabrics. The first I swooped is the Stroll in grey wool with a Lady Guadalupe lining (Awesome… even more awesome if you like to mainline.)

Melton Wool Stroll
Melton Wool Stroll

The second hat I got is also a Stroll but it has a nice grey herringbone pattern twill (silly flyness!) The hats are very solid, even their straw fedoras are pretty hefty. I am impressed and look forward to owning many a hat by these guys.

Herringbone Stroll
Herringbone Stroll

Wish List

Since it will never rain pop corn or actual cats and dogs here are some things you can get me to make the holidays totally awesome. This is not a weak attempt to use my never used Amazon affiliate account (I don’t think I have made a single conversion ever). I will probably just update this thread as a master list of shit you should buy (for yourself or for me!)

Bigger twitter profile pictures

I must know how now! Not so much because I want a bigger photo on my twitter profile but because I can’t figure out why only a handful of people have bigger profile photos?? I have found four people with bigger profile pictures and nobody has really spilled the beans. I haven’t gone so far as asking how they did it but I can’t find any information at all.

Anything I did find was a reference to the fact that some person indeed had a bigger profile picture. Google didn’t even come through! I am stuck and will probably ask one of them how they did it.

Last to bed, first to rise

Edit: this was written at 6:34 am on Sunday morning.

Why oh why is it always like this. No matter what I do I am always the odd ball who stays up way too late and then wakes up like four hours later. Right now it’s freezing and I’m sitting next to a portable heater with a cat who is sort of awake too.

If my intestines don’t lie, it’s safe to say that last night I drank quite a bit of Weller Antique 107 proof. First and last thing I tasted. My guts still kind of burn and I might need some tums.

Overall I enjoyed this bottle of Weller as much as their other bottles I’ve tried. A few things I liked about it were the price, the color and that’s pretty much it. I didn’t so much like the taste. It’s very old timey, cough syrup sweet with subtle hints of oak. I found it to be similar in taste to the 7 yo 90 proof but it’s still different enough to favor the 7/90.

It really reminded me of Bulleit, which markets itself as a frontier whiskey. They share the same copper penny flavor and a somewhat orange hue. It’s also got a little edge to it. I found to be better with tons of ice and a little water to be safe.

Whenever I have some bourbon I find too sweet it usually tastes better if I leave it alone for a few days and then give it a try again (see old grand dad.)

Weller 107