Last Week & Stuff

Last week was pretty stellar. A little of everything really and my good friend Conor was here all week  so you know we went deep water fishing and scuba diving. The highlight by far was Conor and I being rear ended by a hot Russian (?) chick with a tremendous booty and a shady friend with an unidentifiable accent. They were rollin’ in a nice Mercedes and they totally rear ended us while sitting at a red light on El Cajon Blvd. Conor’s mini van incurred some damage as well but I did not take any pics since he owns the damaged van (I dunno, it made sense at the time).

Rear Ender

The girls were headed to a club or something. They insisted on driving the car even though it was pretty smashed up. I couldn’t get my hand between the wheel well and the tire but the drove off anyways. If you look in the picture above you can see the shady passenger laying low. The driver was nice and very apologetic.

Rear Ender

It was a nice car… Thankfully Conor and I were fine. The whole experience was odd. It was kind of like woah did we just get rear ended?

To continue with the crashing theme I wiped out and ate it on my bike this morning. My pedal hit the floor while I pedaling over a speed bump and it sent me flying through the air. I landed face down on the street with my bike under the right side of my body and limbs. Luckily my forearm caught the full impact. I had minor scratches on palms and a small cherry by my arm pit. This guy how ever is quite nasty looking. It looks extra gnar gnar in the photo below because I had driven on the freeway with window down and it sort of dried up and was wrinkling when I flexed my arm. It looks a lot less like a strawberry after washing it off.

Road Rash