Long ass article but well worth the read:
How Your Movements Are Being Tracked, Probably Without Your Knowledge
While slightly tangential, shit like this makes me realize it don’t matter who you vote for, both parties will quietly set up a massive surveillance grid and not bother to mention it EVER! the only difference is who gets paid to make surveillance hardware/software. If either of those shit fucks really gave a fuck about freedom, they’d be fighting this type of shit instead of talking about fictitious economies and how america used to be when their grandparents moved here from who gives a shit while everything I do is logged and added to some massive database for future cross referencing.
I am but a small dollar sign to these people, fuck them and fuck what they stand for. call it apathy if it makes you feel better but I take no part in any of this. Bullshit is bullshit and it matters not if spoken from the mouth of a slack jawed yocal or a fast talkin city slicker.
Seriously, go fuck yourself. I got nothing to hide but our govt. sure does and you better believe the second we are more valuable dead than alive, there will be a lot of dead folks.