My cousin is back home, she is still recuperating but is reported to be happy to be home 🙂
My adventures in whiskey drinking are becoming even more fun. As of recently I’ve been drinking Single Barrel Tennessee whiskey. My first two bottles were from Barrel #7-1038, which was a smooth, super sweet tasting batch. Last night I got a bottle from Barrel #7-0574, and found it to be a little more abrasive. It was still very smooth and tasty to the sip, I added water to it and it was perfect. What I did notice was it was not nearly as sweet as the previous barrel. Also the previous barrel did not really need water in my opinion, the bottle I got last night made my whole body cringe as I’m still a newbie. Either way I was really happy to see that the old boys at the distillery aren’t full of it, and that every barrel does indeed offer a distinctive taste from the next. I look forward to tasting many a new barrel in the future.
Sadly I think the taste of my whiskey is the only interesting thing going on in my life. Oh I know… a new toy store opened up in AZ, check it out. This is good news because I am a cheap bastard and hate to pay tax on expensive toys and they are not on the other coast so it will still be like ordering from somewhere in CA.