Well I think I got the ol’ lung fungus growing. This would be the second time I get demolished by a convention. If you have a walking pneumonia, why on Earth are you at MacWorld???
I cannot sleep and it is now 1:07 am. I have been lucky enough to find Planet of the Apes on AMC. Which of course would not be complete without this. Them monkeys are pretty mean and like a million times cooler than the apes in the newer Planet of the Apes (2001)… and that cave girl is a hottie.
I am incredibly pissed that I cannot sleep, and I’m starting to think it may be all tea I’m drinking.(1:21 am)
(1:28) Alright so I’m totally hopped up on tea. I am looking at my tea and nowhere on the box does it say it is caffeine free. Dr. Google has also confirmed that Tea is not a good drink before bed. I feel pretty stupid. I’m usually in bed by 11:00 so I started to get concerned when my girlfriend was going to bed and I was wide awake.
My throat is so sore I cannot smoke which usually plays a big role in my early going to bed habits… so lame. I guess I will open and close my eyes rapidly until they become tired. I hope Heston makes a bit sleepy as well.(1:42 am)
EDIT: omfg I just saw a commercial that sang Viva Viagra to the tune of Viva Las Vegas this night is not going to be nice to me. (1:45 am)
EDIT: sheesh I am finally getting sleepy and I may have P.A.D. Wish me luck ya’ll I need some z’s (2:43 am)