Home… is wherever it aint this hot (I <3 SD)

is sun burnt, sore in the legs, dreading the return flight, getting sick (flu?), almost finished with private parts (thnx Conor!), a little annoyed with mom, very annoyed with T-mobile (49 cents a minute to dial out in Puerto Rico!!), hungry as a drunken frat girls vagina, feeling slightly taken advantage of by the locals (EXPENSIVE!!) and waiting for Tito Lolo to stop by and say goodbye… fucking LOVE that guy! All in all a slightly mind blowing experience, it’s always a trip to see where you come from. I am an end branch in a complex weave of tree branches yet to rear fruit. My moms side of the family is so cool, they made my father cool.

I can’t help but feel a little sorry for my family out here, it’s too crazy. You learn to adapt but I like my little bubble with perfect weather much too much to ever be a resident. At the same time I am amazed that there is a tiny island full of people here who represent a huge part of who I am culturally and feel this pull to join them. Sort of like a black man from Chicago going to Mother Africa.

As a PR x CA transplant I think I am Puerto Rican but upon arriving I realize I’m not loud enough haha. More bitching and a few photos when I get home y Los Simpsons son mucho mas mejor en espanol jaja. Love.