Labor Day Woot

All in all it was a fairly memorable holiday weekend. The Cono-Lu came down too, which is always a good thing.

I kicked it off with buying a new phone. After going thru two tmobile dash phones and relying on a beat up razor I use as a back up phone I decided it was time to up my phone game.

I wont lie I really would like an iphone but I dont even own a mac so changing mobile service providers just to own one seems silly. So I went with what for now seemed like the next best thing- the T-Mobile Samsung Vibrant (It’s not an iphone)

It’s pretty nice and I really dig the android os. It’s kind of weird to always be connected to the internet.

Next highlight was the slaying of the San Diego bay. Conor and I were dropped off in coronado and rode down the strand and up past chula and nasty city before cutting thru down town and landing back at my place in city heights. 30 or so miles, felt great.

And Lu found me a sweet watch for $15.00 and the rest was history. It’s like time travel. A timex makes me feel like I’m eight years old! It is huge and has indiglo and I set it up to beep every hour 🙂

This is also my first post using the wordpress app for android.



