The Mysteries of the Miso

Lat night I was at a cool little Japanese food spot me and the old lady frequent and as I was slurping my Miso soup I noticed that as it sits it is perpetually in motion like a cloud that is constantly growing into itself but never actually grows in size. I stared into it and realized that is what it feels like is happening in my brain whenever I did psychedelics in the past.

Miso Soup

In a sense the bowl of Miso was like a brain with lines in it, but after a while of growing into itself like my brain would on psychedelics those lines began to turn into holes. Xty pointed that out once I told her “this is your brain on psychedelics.” Then it hit us… Opening your mind = holes in the brain! Which we all know drug are known to make caverns in the brains if abused. If psychedelics causes the brain to grow inward and that causes the lines in your brain to turn to holes you literally open the space necessary for viewing life as it really is (whatever that means to you and your kinfolk) Either way love those around you, eat the Miso it’s delicious and enjoy your small estate on this planet < universe < time + space… our time is short… ummmmm… Flash Forward!