Today I arrived home a bit early around 3:00 pm and realized as I approached my garage that it had been tagged on in red paint. The bastards must have done it some time between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. As is usual for my alley the writing itself is terrible and it’s content is even worse. BLAZE, GSH (?), SD (or SP?) and of course 420! WTF!? Why on earth would some degenerate douche bag who goes by the alias BLAZE tag his scraggly, little toy letters on my garage and then bless it with a 420? He might as well had left a alien with the words believe written beneath it. There is no logic behind these actions. First this is in an alley nobody sees this. Second they painted it on my garage door when there’s a perfectly good fence next to my garage that actually faces people driving thru the alley, were someone to drive down the alley they will not see the tags without turning their heads. The only person that does get a nice direct look at it is me becuase I am the only one driving into my garage. Way to make my Friday and contribute to the urban landscape that is east dago (grmmble grmmble… fuxxors)