2.7 in the Heezy

Since my nerves are getting the best of me before my long flight east I decided to upgrade to WP2.7 aka Coltrane (in this muhfugga) I also upgraded the flickr plugin and everything is working fine! Not that I expected anything less but last time I updated the flickr plugin I hated the plugin for a few hours before it began doing what it is supposed to. So yeah… YAY! 2.7 is pretty bad ass.

Edit: I’ve officially give IE6 the finger forever (F-You IE6!). I am the poor bastard in charge of fixing everything for IE6 at my place of work so I sort of refuse to acknowledge it’s existence in my personal/freelance work. I will charge extra for it in a  attempt to deter clients living in the stone ages. I recently worked with a client who still had dial up and IE6! It was mind boggling once I realized I could not talk to him while he was online (no mobile phone either) It was also fun to see wordpress do it’s thing in an lowest denominator scenario, not fun really though.