My lord is it tasty. I <3 BevMo!! I also picked up a bottle of some Ron del Barrilito, it is a Puerto Rican rum my pops used to be all ape shit about. He had nothing but good things to say about it so I figured I would give it a go… worst case scenario I give it to Gas if I don’t like it.
Upon digging a bit into the Buffalo Trace website I realized that all the tasty whiskeys I’ve had as of late are somehow related to the Buffalo Trace distillery. So go BT you got my love.
The Barrilito is stellar! Once I popped the bottle I smelled a rich aroma of maple, it was very sweet with a touch of cinnamon (?) the whole thing smelt of french toast and pan cakes to me. Upon pouring a little into my face I realized it is muuuuuch smoother than any bourbon I have had the pleasure of pouring into my face. Barrilito gets two thumbs up with two thumbs on each thumb pointing up. Simply delicious, score 1 Puerto Rico!